
wrgl remote

Manage remote repositories.

wrgl remote [flags]

Running this command without any sub-command prints registered remotes and their URLs.


-h, --help

help for remote

-v, --verbose

print remote url as well

Inherited flags


set Badger log level, valid options are "error", "warning", "debug", and "info" (defaults to "error")


write cpu profile to file


write heap profile to file


output logs to specified file


log verbosity. Higher value means more log


don't display progress bar


parent directory of repo, default to current working directory.

wrgl remote add

Add a remote repository.

wrgl remote add REMOTE_NAME URL [flags]

In addition, this command tracks remote branches with refspec +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/REMOTE_NAME/* by default (save to configuration option remote.<remote>.fetch). You can then use the command wrgl fetch REMOTE_NAME to fetch remote refs.


-h, --help

help for add


with --mirror=fetch, the refs will not be stored in the refs/remotes/ namespace, instead all references on the remote will be directly mirrored in the local repository. With --mirror=push, wrgl push will always behave as if --mirror was passed.


wrgl fetch NAME imports every tag from the remote repository

-t, --track

with -t BRANCH, instead of tracking all remote branches, only track the specified BRANCH. You can give more than one -t BRANCH to track multiple branches while ignoring all other branches.

Inherited flags


set Badger log level, valid options are "error", "warning", "debug", and "info" (defaults to "error")


write cpu profile to file


write heap profile to file


output logs to specified file


log verbosity. Higher value means more log


don't display progress bar


parent directory of repo, default to current working directory.


# add a remote repository tracking all remote branches
wrgl remote add origin https://my-remote-repository

# add a remote repository tracking only the branch main
wrgl remote add origin https://my-remote-repository -t main

# add a remote repository, making the local repository a mirror of this remote
wrgl remote add origin https://my-remote-repository --mirror=fetch

# add a remote repository, mirroring the local repository
wrgl remote add origin https://my-remote-repository --mirror=push

wrgl remote get-url

Print the URL for a remote.

wrgl remote get-url NAME [flags]


-h, --help

help for get-url

Inherited flags


set Badger log level, valid options are "error", "warning", "debug", and "info" (defaults to "error")


write cpu profile to file


write heap profile to file


output logs to specified file


log verbosity. Higher value means more log


don't display progress bar


parent directory of repo, default to current working directory.

wrgl remote remove

Remove a remote.

wrgl remote remove NAME [flags]

All remote-tracking branches and configuration settings for this remote are removed. This won't remove the credentials for this remote however. To remove the credentials, use wrgl credentials remove.


-h, --help

help for remove

Inherited flags


set Badger log level, valid options are "error", "warning", "debug", and "info" (defaults to "error")


write cpu profile to file


write heap profile to file


output logs to specified file


log verbosity. Higher value means more log


don't display progress bar


parent directory of repo, default to current working directory.

wrgl remote rename

Rename a remote.

wrgl remote rename OLD NEW [flags]


-h, --help

help for rename

Inherited flags


set Badger log level, valid options are "error", "warning", "debug", and "info" (defaults to "error")


write cpu profile to file


write heap profile to file


output logs to specified file


log verbosity. Higher value means more log


don't display progress bar


parent directory of repo, default to current working directory.

wrgl remote set-branches

Set the list of branches tracked by this remote.

wrgl remote set-branches NAME BRANCH [flags]

By default, this command replaces the refspec list found in configuration option remote.<remote>.fetch.



instead of replacing the list of currently tracked branches, adds to that list.

-h, --help

help for set-branches

Inherited flags


set Badger log level, valid options are "error", "warning", "debug", and "info" (defaults to "error")


write cpu profile to file


write heap profile to file


output logs to specified file


log verbosity. Higher value means more log


don't display progress bar


parent directory of repo, default to current working directory.


# track only branch main, and nothing else
wrgl remote set-branches origin main

# track branch main, in addition to everything else in remote.<remote>.fetch
wrgl remote set-branches origin main --add

wrgl remote set-url

Set URL for the remote

wrgl remote set-url NAME URL [flags]


-h, --help

help for set-url

Inherited flags


set Badger log level, valid options are "error", "warning", "debug", and "info" (defaults to "error")


write cpu profile to file


write heap profile to file


output logs to specified file


log verbosity. Higher value means more log


don't display progress bar


parent directory of repo, default to current working directory.

wrgl remote show

Prints some information about a remote.

wrgl remote show NAME [flags]


-h, --help

help for show

Inherited flags


set Badger log level, valid options are "error", "warning", "debug", and "info" (defaults to "error")


write cpu profile to file


write heap profile to file


output logs to specified file


log verbosity. Higher value means more log


don't display progress bar


parent directory of repo, default to current working directory.