wrgl profile

Profile data of one or more commits.

wrgl profile COMMIT [--refresh [--ancestors] [--silent]] [flags]



when this flag is set together with --refresh, reprofile data for all ancestor

-h, --help

help for profile


recalculate data profile


when this flag is set together with --refresh, don't show data profile after refreshing

Inherited flags


set Badger log level, valid options are "error", "warning", "debug", and "info" (defaults to "error")


write cpu profile to file


write heap profile to file


output logs to specified file


log verbosity. Higher value means more log


don't display progress bar


parent directory of repo, default to current working directory.


# show data profile for branch main
wrgl profile main

# reprofile data before showing up-to-date data profile
wrgl profile 092ca64be141ec601fbadc73e4697836 --refresh

# reprofile data for main branch and all ancestor commits
wrgl profile main --refresh --ancestors

# reprofile data but don't show data profile afterward
wrgl profile main --refresh --silent