wrgl commit

Commit a CSV file under a branch

wrgl commit {BRANCH | --all} [CSV_FILE_PATH] COMMIT_MESSAGE [-p PRIMARY_KEY] [flags]



commit all branches that have branch.file configured.


CSV delimiter, defaults to comma

-h, --help

help for commit


limit memory consumption (in bytes). If not set then memory limit is automatically calculated.

-n, --num-workers

number of CPU threads to utilize

-p, --primary-key

field names to be used as primary key for table


set branch.file to CSV_FILE_PATH. If branch.file is set then you don't need to specify CSV_FILE_PATH in subsequent commits to BRANCH.


set branch.primaryKey to PRIMARY_KEY. If branch.primaryKey is set then you don't need to specify PRIMARY_KEY in subsequent commits to BRANCH.


commit using specified transaction id

Inherited flags


set Badger log level, valid options are "error", "warning", "debug", and "info" (defaults to "error")


write cpu profile to file


write heap profile to file


output logs to specified file


log verbosity. Higher value means more log


don't display progress bar


parent directory of repo, default to current working directory.


# commit using primary key id
wrgl commit main data.csv "initial commit" -p id

# commit using composite primary key
wrgl commit main data.csv "new data" -p id,date

# commit from stdin
cat data.csv | wrgl commit main - "my commit" -p id

# commit while setting branch.file and branch.primaryKey
wrgl commit main data.csv "my commit" -p id --set-file --set-primary-key

# commit without having to specify CSV_FILE_PATH and PRIMARY_KEY (read from branch.file and branch.primaryKey)
wrgl commit main "easy commit"

# commit all branches that have branch.file configured
wrgl commit --all "mass commit"

# commit all branches using a transaction id (run 'wrgl transaction -h' to learn more about transaction)
wrgl commit --all --txid a1dbfcc4-f6da-454c-a783-f1b70d347baf "mass commit with transaction"