
Manage transactions. A transaction is a group of commits that either all persisted to their respective branch or all aborted.

wrgl transaction commit

Commit a transaction.

wrgl transaction commit TRANSACTION_ID [flags]


-h, --help

help for commit

Inherited flags


set Badger log level, valid options are "error", "warning", "debug", and "info" (defaults to "error")


write cpu profile to file


write heap profile to file


output logs to specified file


log verbosity. Higher value means more log


don't display progress bar


parent directory of repo, default to current working directory.

wrgl transaction discard

Discard a transaction.

wrgl transaction discard TRANSACTION_ID [flags]


-h, --help

help for discard

Inherited flags


set Badger log level, valid options are "error", "warning", "debug", and "info" (defaults to "error")


write cpu profile to file


write heap profile to file


output logs to specified file


log verbosity. Higher value means more log


don't display progress bar


parent directory of repo, default to current working directory.

wrgl transaction list

list transactions sorted by begin time

wrgl transaction list [flags]


-h, --help

help for list

-P, --no-pager

don't use PAGER

Inherited flags


set Badger log level, valid options are "error", "warning", "debug", and "info" (defaults to "error")


write cpu profile to file


write heap profile to file


output logs to specified file


log verbosity. Higher value means more log


don't display progress bar


parent directory of repo, default to current working directory.

wrgl transaction push

Push transaction to a remote.

wrgl transaction push REMOTE TRANSACTION_ID [flags]


-h, --help

help for push


don't display progress bar

Inherited flags


set Badger log level, valid options are "error", "warning", "debug", and "info" (defaults to "error")


write cpu profile to file


write heap profile to file


output logs to specified file


log verbosity. Higher value means more log


parent directory of repo, default to current working directory.

wrgl transaction start

Create a new transaction and print the new transaction's id.

wrgl transaction start [flags]


-h, --help

help for start

Inherited flags


set Badger log level, valid options are "error", "warning", "debug", and "info" (defaults to "error")


write cpu profile to file


write heap profile to file


output logs to specified file


log verbosity. Higher value means more log


don't display progress bar


parent directory of repo, default to current working directory.